As a city, and as a nation as a whole, we have been experiencing so much division that we are seeing bonds break between friends, family, and the leaders that help our society to function and thrive. We need to rediscover a place of respectful discussion with the common goal of selflessly working together to provide positive and productive outcomes for the people of Lemon Grove.
Why Vote Seth Smith for City Council
We, as Lemon Grovers, have seen more than our fair share of difficulties over the past many years. From struggling to fund our core city services, such as our parks, recreation, sheriff, and fire departments to the more recent events of COVID-19 and the social tensions that have worsened in recent years.
We can do better! As the community of Lemon Grove, we have great potential when we work together. Any visitor to our city can see that, in our community-organized trash pickups, graffiti removal efforts, and food drives. We, Lemon Grovers, love our city, and the friends, family, and neighbors that make it the community that it is.

Still, we can do even better! Lemon Grove is on the upswing! Builders are choosing to bring new homes to our community. In fact, of the 19 cities in the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), the City of Lemon Grove was the only city to meet all four benchmarks of the Regional Housing Needs Association (RHNA). We are seeing that there are people who very much want to invest in our neighborhoods. We can do the same! By electing leaders who can engage in thoughtful, pragmatic, and respectful discussions with elected officials, city staff, and most importantly, our community members. Because, when we are informed, and when we are working together, that’s when we get things done.
As a project manager working in the architectural services industry and as the Chairperson of the Lemon Grove Planning Commission, getting things done is what Seth Smith is all about! Seth’s depth and breadth of experience, working together within large teams and on complex projects, is exactly the kind of insight that the Lemon Grove City Council will benefit from while striving to fulfill the needs of our community. In short, a vote for Seth, is a vote for collaborative experience, thoughtfulness, and the will to get things done.
Elected Leader Endorsements
Community Supporters